This may be inaccurate

       T h e   M y s t i c   K e e p   a n d   M i s t y   C a v e r n s
                                                               H-- w> ---+
                                  Misty      x----X   R-w>-+   |\        |
                                 Caverns    /     |\ sw\   |   |  nw     |
                      Qg                   x       RR   x--x---x--HHse   |
                      |                   /          \ /   s       |\    |
                      Os                 x---x    s   X    |       x--x->-e
                      |               (u-d)Rw                           e   e
 (plank)w--w--w--w--  x   --w--w--w--w--T^         A   : Azaraad's Throne Room
    w                 |               / |          a   : Abandoned Building
    |  t--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x  w          B   : Bridge
    |  |              |              |  |          C   : Captain of Guard's Room
    w  x  x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x     x  w          Ch  : Church
    |  |  |  |  |     |        |     |  |          Dl  : Mist Dragon's Lair
    w  x  x--x (*)  R-x--C     A     x  w          E   : Equipment Shop 
    |  |  |  |        |              |  |          e   : Exit of Misty Caverns
    w  x  Sr Kd    x--x--x           x  w          G   : Garden Fountain
    |  |           |\ | /|           |  |          H   : Hunter's House
    w  x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x  w          J   : Java Lounge
    |/       |  |     |        |      \ |          K   : King Narthod's Tomb
   ^T--w-w-  O  Ma    x -w--w- E  -w-w--T^         Kd  : King's Dining Hall
Pt(u-d)         |     |               (u-d)Tt      l   : Linen Closet
                N     e                            M   : Housing Department
 op-x-op              |                            Ma  : Mystic Keep Armoury
    |                 x       x--x--x--x--x        N   : N'Ol Denor's Office
 op-x-op   Mystic     |       |     |  |  |        O   : Old Temple
    |      Village    x       x     |  Q  K        Os  : Old Shrine
 op-x-op              |       |     |              op  : Outside Player's House
    |     J           x       Rb l--x x--x--x      Pt  : Prison Tower
 op-x-op  |           |             |       |      Q   : Queen's Bedroom
    |  H  J           x    (*)      | x--x--x      Qg  : Queen's Grave
    |  |  |           |     |       |       |      R   : Royal Guard Room
 M--x--x--x--x--x--x--x     x-(s-u)-x-(u-d)-x      Rb  : Royal Bathing Room
    |  |  |           |                            Rw  : Royal Wizard's Tower
    |  a  Ch          x                            Sr  : Storage Room
 op-x-op              |                            T   : Tower (Ground Floor)
                      B                            Tt  : Torture Tower
                      |                            t   : to NW Tower
                      x--To the City of Iapage     w   : Wall Road
                     /                             ^   : up to 1st Tower Floor
         Treemalking Forest                       (*)  : Continue
                                                 (c-o) : cave-out move
                                                 (s-u) : stairs-up move
                                                 (u-d) : up-down move